See detailed specifications and technical data for EXTEC C10+ manufactured in 2006 - 2009. Get more in-depth insight with EXTEC C10+ specifications on LECTURA Specs.
خبير الاتصال2017年10月4日 — The Extec C-10+ is a compact, self-propelled rock crusher suited for small quarries and demolition sites. It features a CAT C6.6 engine and unique jaw design that
خبير الاتصالTremendous power and speed of crushing with Spectacular reduction in product size. Vibrating feeder automatically controls the flow of material to the crusher. Reverse crushing action to relieve blockage. Fast track
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خبير الاتصال2016年8月5日 — The document describes the Extec C-10+ compact self-propelled crusher. It has a sturdy construction and powerful jaws that can crush tough rock. Its features include a vibrating feeder, CAT engine,
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